Australian Government Grant Opportunity GO6548 – Stage 3 – Improving respite care for people with dementia and their carers
This grant is for improving respite care for people with dementia and their carers. Grant program funding for a range of activities (in the context of aged care) aims to increase support to informal carers and families caring for a person living with dementia, through access to dementia–specific respite support services in Tasmania, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland, and the Australian Capital Territory.
Close Date & Time: 18th of December, 2.00pm ACT time.
Up to $27.408 million (GST exclusive) is available over four years from 2023-24 to 2026-27. There are two streams of activities and applicants may apply for funding under one or both streams.
Stream 1: Delivery of combined respite care for both the carer and person with dementia, applying the principles of HammondCare’s Staying at Home program in these jurisdictions: Tasmania, Western Australia and Northern Territory.
Stream 2: Delivery of innovative programs or models of respite care and respite care planning for people with dementia and their carers (applications may include opportunities to trial new approaches and one-off pilots), in these jurisdictions: Tasmania, Northern Territory, Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory. Funding for stream two activity ends in 2025-26.
Grant Opportunity Respite Care G06548 – Stage 3 Eligibility and Application Instructions
If you have any questions or need assistance with your application, please contact the team at MGI.