Our Story
MGI South Qld has a long standing history in providing advisory and compliance accounting and audit services since 1922. Come along for a journey of our story to date and learn about our history and growth to a leading global brand.
MGI South Qld has a long standing history in providing advisory and compliance accounting and audit services since 1922. Come along for a journey of our story to date and learn about our history and growth to a leading global brand.
Joseph Harvey Buckle joined the firm from the Queensland Land Tax Office and became a partner on 31 October 1924. He retired on 31 March 1967. At some stage, Harvey Buckle’s brother Tom also worked in the practice but later joined Queensland Can Co. Ltd. (later called United Packages Ltd.) where he became C.E.O.
Richard Finlay Robertson became a partner on 1 April 1953 and left on 31 August 1970.
The branch expanded rapidly and, in July 1963, a further Gold Coast Office was opened in Surfers Paradise and James J. Callaghan was recruited to the Gold Coast staff and was admitted as a partner on 1 October 1966.
Lawrence J. Litzow was admitted to partnership and remained until 31 August 1970
Bruno Enrico Doller was invited to join the partnership and retired as Senior Partner on 30 June 1993, but continued practicing as an investment adviser.
Lawrence J. Litzow was admitted to partnership and remained until 31 August 1970
Earl Howard Larmar was admitted to the partnership until 31 October 1989.
Ian Melville West became a partner on 1 April 1978 and resigned on 30 September 1981.
Jeffrey Reginald Redshaw admitted to the partnership.
Craig McCheyne Douglas admitted as a partner on 1 July 1985
Anthony Kenneth Smith admitted as a partner on 1 July 1990
The firm moved to the 20th Floor of Central Plaza II on the corner of Elizabeth and Creek Streets (,diagonally opposite where the practice commenced circa 75 years ago)
Grant Royston Field admitted as a partner on 31 March 1992.
White Hancock joined the MGI Worldwide network – and changed its name to MGI White Hancock.
Justine Nicole Best was invited to join the partnership on 3 April 2006.
Alexander Duncan Fraser and Michael Angelo Georghiou joined the partnership, boosting the audit division client base.
MGI White Hancock changed it’s branding to MGI Brisbane
Cameron Barber admitted as a partner.
MGI Brisbane acquired a Gold Coast practice and rebranded to MGI South Queensland
Graeme Kent admitted as a partner.
Stephen Greene admitted as a partner.
MGI South Queensland acquired a practice at Banyo, Qld.
MGI South Queensland completes a strategic plan – setting out the firm’s goals until 2025.
100th year anniversary!!
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MGI South Qld is one of the leading Brisbane accounting firms. Our team of business accountants, auditors and advisors support organisations across South East Qld including the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, the Darlings Downs and Wide Bay & Burnett region.
MGI refers to one or more of the independent member firms of the MGI international alliance of independent auditing, accounting and consulting firms. Each MGI firm in Australasia is a separate legal entity and has no liability for another Australasian or international member’s acts or omissions. MGI is a brand name for the MGI Australasian network and for each of the MGI member firms worldwide. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
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