Our Story

MGI South Qld has a long standing history in providing advisory and compliance accounting and audit services since 1922. Come along for a journey of our story to date and learn about our history and growth to a leading global brand.

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In 1919, Stanley McKellar White, Deputy Commissioner of Taxation in Brisbane, resigned and entered into private practice as a Public Accountant and Taxation Consultant.

March 1922

In 1922, Robert Charles Hancock, former Chief Clerk in the Taxation Office in Brisbane and later Deputy Commissioner in Central Office, resigned and joined McKellar White in his practice as a partner and the firm of White & Hancock was born on 27 March 1922. These two gentleman had a specialised knowledge of the legislation introduced at the time of the 1914 – 1918 World War imposing what was known as the “wartime profits’ tax which apparently was particularly worrisome to farmers and graziers, and proceeded to use this expertise to advise prospective clients on tours undertaken into country districts, building up a large clientele of country clients which formed the backbone of the practice throughout the years ahead. The firm was called White-Hancock.

June 1923

Joseph Harvey Buckle joined the firm from the Queensland Land Tax Office and became a partner on 31 October 1924. He retired on 31 March 1967. At some stage, Harvey Buckle’s brother Tom also worked in the practice but later joined Queensland Can Co. Ltd. (later called United Packages Ltd.) where he became C.E.O.

May 1935

The practice was re-located to the ANZ Bank Chambers on the corner of Queen and Creek Streets from Dalgety’s Building in Elizabeth Street where it remained until 28th February 1971.

July 1938

3 partners joined the firm. On one of many trips into the Burnett District, whilst visiting the Briggs family, the partners met a young relative named Archibald Heaton Blackman who was eventually invited to work in the practice and later became a partner on 1 July 1938. He subsequently opened a Branch Office of the firm in Wondai. Norman C. Beeston was also a partner in the pre-war years, also admitted on 1 July 1938. He left the firm on 26 July 1948. Another partner at this time was Kenneth M. Shaw whose career was also interrupted by military service but who remained with the firm as a partner from 1 July 1938 until 28 March 1952.

April 1948

Mervyn Alwyn Collom, who, with Harvey Buckle and Bob Hancock had held the fort during the war years, was admitted as a partner after the war in April 1948 and was Senior Partner on his retirement through ill health on 30 June 1978.

April 1953

Richard Finlay Robertson became a partner on 1 April 1953 and left on 31 August 1970.

July 1963

The branch expanded rapidly and, in July 1963, a further Gold Coast Office was opened in Surfers Paradise and James J. Callaghan was recruited to the Gold Coast staff and was admitted as a partner on 1 October 1966.

April 1964

Lawrence J. Litzow was admitted to partnership and remained until 31 August 1970

September 1970

Bruno Enrico Doller was invited to join the partnership and retired as Senior Partner on 30 June 1993, but continued practicing as an investment adviser.

February 1971

Lawrence J. Litzow was admitted to partnership and remained until 31 August 1970

April 1975

Earl Howard Larmar was admitted to the partnership until 31 October 1989.

April 1978

Ian Melville West became a partner on 1 April 1978 and resigned on 30 September 1981.

July 1982

Jeffrey Reginald Redshaw admitted to the partnership.

July 1985

Craig McCheyne Douglas admitted as a partner on 1 July 1985

July 1990

Anthony Kenneth Smith admitted as a partner on 1 July 1990

January 1991

The firm moved to the 20th Floor of Central Plaza II on the corner of Elizabeth and Creek Streets (,diagonally opposite where the practice commenced circa 75 years ago)

March 1992

Grant Royston Field admitted as a partner on 31 March 1992.

July 1992

White Hancock joined the MGI Worldwide network – and changed its name to MGI White Hancock.

April 2006

Justine Nicole Best was invited to join the partnership on 3 April 2006.

July 2006

Alexander Duncan Fraser and Michael Angelo Georghiou joined the partnership, boosting the audit division client base.

July 2008

MGI White Hancock changed it’s branding to MGI Brisbane

August 2008

Cameron Barber admitted as a partner.

March 2011

MGI Brisbane acquired a Gold Coast practice and rebranded to MGI South Queensland

July 2016

Graeme Kent admitted as a partner.

July 2019

Stephen Greene admitted as a partner.

September 2020

MGI South Queensland acquired a practice at Banyo, Qld.

June 2021

MGI South Queensland completes a strategic plan – setting out the firm’s goals until 2025.

March 2022

100th year anniversary!!


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