Business Property & Other Asset Valuations

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Business Acquisition

Whether you are looking at business acquisition or you simply want to improve the value of your existing business it is important that you understand the correct approach to business  valuation and what you can do to influence this. Our business acquisition and valuation services will help give you this confidence.

Put simply, the vendor of a business wants to get the maximum price for their business. The purchaser of a business needs to know they haven’t paid too much.

If you’re looking to purchase a business we’ll make sure you don’t pay too much and that you have a clear perspective on potential areas of concern, as well as strategies to address these. If it’s your own business we’ll help you formulate the right strategies to grow your business value.

The team at MGI South Queensland have a number of business consultants skilled in helping businesses: understand business value, undertake due diligence, benchmark businesses within specific industries and determine the best business structure.

Business Valuation Services

team of specialist accountants for doctors at MGI

How our business valuations team can help

Minimise the risk

We can help you structure a purchase agreement that incentivises the exiting business owners and minimises the risks.

Avoid unexpected surprises

We’ll provide an unbiased assessment of the business so you know exactly what you’re buying and what future investment may be required.

Family Tax Planning

A seller will want to sell their business for the maximum price. We can help you assess the correct value of the businesses and support you through the negotiation process.

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GPO Box 1087 Brisbane QLD 4001

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